It's Friday again the time is flying.

Last week it was rain and this week the wind! What a start to the autumn! Thankfully no one blew away on Tuesday! Please can I remind parents that children should all bring a jacket and suitable footwear for play times. We really try to get the children out to play, this break is a real brain break and helps so much with concentration, whilst we will not put children out in pouring rain they could be out when the weather is not so nice and should have suitable clothing.

Safety Jackets will be issued later this term so please return any you have about from last year.

A sweatshirt orders are now being taken please return them by Friday 18th September.

We also need to update your contact details - please inform the school of any changes.

Pr 5/6/7 have had an active week, a big thanks to Matthew McIver for arranging a really fun afternoon Golf Tournament. We were also so lucky to have super weather. The winners were Jonothan, Connor and Niamh. Lisa, Morgan, James B, Kenny , Paige and Rosie also received medals. It was great to see the children really having a go!

Pr 3/4/5 have continued to create Hogwarts School and Hagrid is now larger than life on the classroom wall. They have also been rounding numbers in maths.

Pr 1/2/3 have been learning about invertebrates! I am impressed! The children have been looking at countryside and seaside animals.

Pr 1/2/3 were very delighted to see the little fairy I caught in the woods last night at this morning's assembly. The fairy went a quick visit to the class before I let it free. (no cruelty to fairies here!)

The Nursery have been busy today making very tasty Gingerbread men and have been reading the story. No Gingerbread men escaped as far as I know, but if you see any lurking around the village you will know where they came from.


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Kilchuimen Primary

Fort Augustus, Scotland, United Kingdom

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