End of term - Woooooo hooooooo! :-)

Well here we are the last day, this week has been all go.

The children really enjoyed the K Factor and we spotted lots of talent at the event. I am not so sure that our talented teachers went down so well!

The Easter service was lovely and made us think that Spring is surely on the way. There were some lovely Easter Bonnets on display there. I was impressed at the super creations that had appeared, we have some very talented mum, dads and children.

Today Pr 5/6/7 are working on the Mars Lander Project trying to get an egg to fly from 5m and to land safely. They have been working well and I think that they have met and had fun with a few other children from Foyers, Invergarry and Stratherrick.

We had a whole school assembly this morning and celebrated a number of successes.

So all in all, a very busy and successful term.

As the builders near journey's end on the build I would like to say a big, "Thank You" to them. The extension and nursery is looking so lovely. Now that is something to really look forward to after the holidays which I am sure will be a tremendous benefit to us all.

Finally I would like to wish you all a safe and happy Easter Holidays


All the staff and W S Scollay

Book Cafe

What a busy day, work on the extension is reaching fever pitch with lots of workmen trying their very best to make sure the building is all ready to go on the first day of term. Every time I go into the building something else has been done, its great.

The WW2 exhibition looked fantastic and the children should be very proud of the work which they have done, everyone enjoyed the children's presentations, it is amazing what technology can achieve in learning. The news reports which were filmed and the sound clips were great. I was really amazed at the Photostory the girls had made.

The other classes in the school did a great job reading out their stories, it is not easy standing up in front of the whole school. (I know!!) It was so lovely to see so many Mums, Dads, Grannies and Grandads attend the event. I know everyone is so busy but the children love to know that you are there.

Mandi Mansbridge wins the gold star of the day for her work helping to set up the exhibition, go shopping for supplies, working with Mrs Law support for learning teacher, serving teas and coffees AND helping to clear up! THANK YOU from us all!

Tomorrow is the K Factor and I am not quite sure what that will bring but two Pr 6 girls have been working hard to organise the event!

The Easter Bonnet Parade in the church will also be great and get us in the mood for the holidays, we hope that a few parents and friends can join us at 1.30 in the church.

Kindest regards

W S Scollay


I am afraid to say that the book will NOT be ready for the Book Cafe on Wednesday. We have found that there is a number of errors which require correction.

We shall still hold the Cafe and show other writing which we have done over the course of this term.

The Book Launch will go ahead early next term.

Sorry about the delay.

Kindest Regards

W S Scollay

What a week!!

Hello there, Friday once more!

Thank you so much to the all the parent helpers and friends who came in this week. We were delighted to have so many people to help us with the Towpath Tidy. The children did a great job.

School Photos were taken on Tuesday you will receive the proofs after the holidays, they have been taken against a white background, the class groups were also taken in a very informal manner, and I sure they will look super. I am excited to see what they will look like.

All children have made invites to our book launch on Wednesday and you should have recieved yours by now. We will be delighted to see you all there. 1.30 on the 24th March in the school hall. We will have Highland Children's Books selling a selection of children's books. Children will be able to spend their £1 world book day, book voucher there. You will also get a cuppa as you hear some of their stories.

I have seen a copy of the proof of our book and it looks tremendous, every child in the school has contributed in some way to the book. We will be selling the books at a cost of £5 which will go towards school funds.

Pr 3/4/5
The children have been busy learning about other world religions, they have know all sorts of interesting facts about Islam, Seikhism, Buddhism and Hinduism. They have also been learning more about shapes. They have been playing Scabee - a french beetle drive game, they really enjoyed this.

Pr 1/2/3
The children had an Egypt day on Monday and made pyramids, nets of pyramids and created their names using Hieroglyphics. I was impressed by the many facts the children could tell me about the Egyptians, they were very excited by the topic. The children have been learning about the body, body parts and the skeleton.

Pr 5/6/7
It was all go in the class yesterday as the Pr 5/6/7 took part in a WW2 activity day. 6 groups of pupils studied different aspects of the war, and were supported by staff, parents and friends. The children learned about the Wellington bomber which crash landed in Loch Ness and created a model. Gas masks, why they were needed, they also created masks and made a Gas Mask safety video. Another group learned about rationing and created some WW2 recipes, some of these were not very tasty! A group of boys learned about Scapa Flow, the sinking of the Royal Oak and what happened to the Gondolier from Fort Augustus and they created a huge map of the area. Some girls learned about Evacuation and created a super frieze. Yet another group learned about the bombing in the Highlands in particular the bombing raid to Foyers, they also made a great frieze.

I was very very impressed by the quality of the work, and the enthusiasm which the children displayed. It really was a great day, a real example of Curriculum for Excellence and active learning in action.

Next week will be VERY VERY busy as we head to the end of term, we will also be packing up the classes ready for the move to the new classrooms. The new classrooms are looking just fantastic and it is really exciting.

I think that both the staff and pupils will certainly be needing to put their feet up during the holidays!

Important dates next week:

Tuesday 7pm Parents Meeting for the Edinburgh Trip
Wednesday 1.30 Book Launch
Thursday 1.30 Easter Service in the church
Friday 3.15 - School close for Easter Holidays - An Easter bonnet parade.

I look forward to seeing many of you over the coming week.

Kindest Regards

W S Scollay

Eyes down!

Well done to the Parent Council who raised £135 from the Bingo night. Everyone at the night really enjoyed themselves. Many thanks for all the great prizes! A great big, "thank you" to Peggy for being a super caller, she is very professional and certainly knows her stuff!

Once again we had a busy week, the days are flying past too quickly! On P1/2/3 made soup with cereals and grains and everyone tasted it. The children as part of science were out in the playground naming parts of plants.

Pr 3/4/5 were tiling and creating patterns and shapes. they have written arguments for and against wikipedia which was really good, they had been working with paint effects in art and have also been busy with the continents.

Pr 5/6/7 have had another busy week and have been working with the teachers from the secondary school on their Mars Lander project. They have had lessons from Mr Cooper Science, Miss Sharples English and Mrs Wyatt Maths. The children have been enjoying the input.

A VERY VERY busy week ahead for us, we have the school photographer on Tuesday, the Curriculum for Excellence Parents Information meeting at 2pm on Tuesday, on Wednesday Pr 3/4/5 will be taking part in the Tow path tidy and on Thursday Pr 5/6/7 will have having a WW2 topic day! Phew I am tired thinking about it!

Best have a good break this weekend! Have a good one!

W S Scollay

Where is the term going?

Wow all of a sudden we are approaching the end of term and we are SO busy!

The renovations are really moving on and the nursery has spent this week moving over to the portacabin. Thanks to Angela, Alison and Jane for their hard work.

The Pr 7 children presented the world day of prayer really well. It was a lovely service in the church.

Pr 5/6/7 also really enjoyed a trip to the Inverness Museum and then visited Muirton Primary. I think that Muirton eclipsed the museum as lots of new friends were made.

Pr 1/2/3 have been planting in the garden today and this gives me hope that Spring is on the way.

Pr 3/4/5 have been been writing When I am big comparative stories, Mrs Walker was delighted with them.

We are having a Book Swap week next week so if there are any books that your child no longer reads and is happy to swap please bring them in.

You will receive the 2 stars and a wish reports next week an information letter will accompany them.

And last but NOT least the BINGO is on THURSDAY 7pm in the school hall come and join us I am sure it will be fun! Please send in any donations for the prizes to school by Wednesday!

Kilchuimen Primary

Fort Augustus, Scotland, United Kingdom

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