The sun shines on Kilchuimen!!

I say this often but this has been such a busy busy week for the staff and pupils here in school. It has been just brilliant though and I hope that many of you have enjoyed the fun too.

The sun shone so beautifully on our opening ceremony, we could not have asked for better. The school fete was a great success, and Eddy the penguin was just lovely. The children have shown us all once more just what they can achieve. We are very proud of them all.

A school newsletter will come out in school bag mail on Monday so look out for that.

We are going to hold the prize giving ceremony on Friday morning at 10.30am in the church. All are invited. Children will be dismissed for the holidays from the church at 11.30am. Please collect children who normally travel by bus as the bus will not arrive until 1.15 as the Academy does not close until 1.00pm.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for help and support over the last year. I would like to wish the Pr 7 all the very best of luck as they move into the secondary school, I am sure that they will all do well.

Finally I would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday.

W S Scollay

Fete and classroom opening anticipation!

In a school often staff have the funnest of conversations with children. Today I was blown away by a Pr 3 child who told me all about the northern lights and how they occur. Did you know that the magnetic field pings like an elastic band, which then causes the lights? To be honest he explained it much better than I... wow... I love that!

Anyway much later in the day I received a phone call in connection with the classroom opening, I have been waiting for the call to come through from Lady Gaga and waited late tonight just in case. The phone did indeed call... AND no Lady Gaga BUT one of the Pr 7 girls had written to Mika. (the pop singer). Well did his PA not call, and did I not go, "who?" "Sorry but you will need to start again, I have no idea who I am talking to!!" So after my bumbling attempt at answering the phone, I found out that Mika had sent his apologies and although he would love to come, he is out of the country. Well at least he will be thinking of us!! He also mentioned that he was glad that we no longer had to live in, "smelly classrooms". So the invitations for the opening are far and wide travelled! It is so lovely for the children to see that their letters really do reach the folk that they have written to, many thanks to those who have replied to them, it means a lot.

Preparations are going ahead for the Fete, Pr 5/6/7 have been busy coming up with games and fun activities for Tuesday's fete so bring along a lot of money!

On Tuesday we will also be unveiling our mural, which is looking simply stunning, Mrs MacDonald (Art) has really shown her talents here with the children. It was great to see some of the children really getting into the painting, and seeing their drawings come to life.

The book has been printed but I will be relieved to see it, we have been promised it by Monday, everything is crossed.

The nursery have been busy in their garden, the tatties, and veg are really shooting up! The children have been on a bug hunt today, and were looking at them through the computer microscope. They were fascinated with this. It is an amazing world we live in and the wee ones so appreciate that.

So I look forward to seeing many of you next week for the Opening at 1.30 - 2.30 and then the Fete, there is still time to bake cakes and goodies for the baking stall. Please do buy one of our raffle tickets, £1 a ticket, the top prize is a fantastic gas barbecue donated by BAM and HIS. Wonderful! Lets see if we can raise a bit on that!

On Thursday we shall at last see the play Eddy the Penguin the children are so excited about this and the singing that I have heard is brilliant! I am sure we will have a very entertaining evening there! Come and join us in the school hall at 7pm.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Kindest regards

W S Scollay

If you come down to the school on Wednesday...

Good afternoon,

Another busy week has passed us all by!

The children have been working hard, they continue to practise Eddy the penguin. The older children are making a super job of the mural with Mrs MacDonald on the wall outside. All the classes had a Reduce, Reuse and Recycle talk by a man from the council. The children now know exactly what goes in the blue recycling bins. Pr 3/4/5 had a lesson about seed dispersal by Mrs Gilchrist and they are very knowledgeable about this now. Their project is Scottish history at the moment and the children wrote about Robert the Bruce and the spider, the children also wrote stories pretending that they were evacuees and they did a very good job of this.

Pr 1/2/3 have been learning about co-ordinates and wrote super book reviews about their reading books. The children tell me that, "Co-ordinates are easy!" Well done to them!

The nursery are in the summer mood, having taken delivery of a few new toys they have created a cafe, ice creams have been made and the children have been writing down all the orders. They are having lots of fun with that. They have also enjoyed playing with the climbing frame and slide this week, and also squeezed in time to do some more planting in the garden. I looked out the window the other day and was amazed that I could see the tatties growing like mad!

So as ever a busy school, next week we have lots more fun,

School is closed on Monday for in-service training.

On Wednesday we are having a teddy bears picnic, come and join us! It cost £3 to have lunch with us, take your favourite teddy bear with you!

Have a good rest and we look forward to meeting you and your teddy bears next week.

Kindest regards

Wendy S Scollay

Sports day

Well the weather certainly has been in our favour this week. We had a brilliant sports day the children all had a lot of fun. "Thank you" to Mrs Campbell for arranging the event, thanks also to the secondary pupils who were a brilliant help to us. We had a great turn out of parents and friends which was super to see, it means such a lot to the children to have you there supporting them.

Some pupils from Pr 6 and Pr 7 represented us at the inter school sports in Inverness last weekend. They came back with a clutch of medals and some of you may have spotted their picture in the Highland News. Well done! Thank you to the Mums and Dads who supported the event.

Our open evening was well attended and it was nice to have the opportunity to talk to parents and children about their progress over the course of the year. Next session we intend to host 3 parents evenings so that parents have more opportunities to talk to teachers. There will remain report cards and two stars and a wish reports.

We are all waiting with baited breath for the post, nothing so far... Barry Hutchison and Gary Innes cannot come, which is a shame. We are waiting for Michael Buble and Lady Gaga to sort out their diaries!!!!!!!

We have decided that the official opening will be on 22nd June at 1.30pm and we will have a mini fete at 2.30 - 4.00. If you can help or would like to run a stall please do come and contact us at the school. We also have a small minor detail to resolve, and perhaps someone can help? We have booked a bouncy castle from Inverness, but have no way of getting it down and back up to Inverness, do any of you guys have a trailor or van and can help us. Please contact the school if you can help in anyway! Every little really does count!

I hope that the start of the summer really has come.

Kindest regards

W S Scollay

Kilchuimen Primary

Fort Augustus, Scotland, United Kingdom

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