Parents Evenings and other bits n bobs.

Please check school bag mail, appointments for parents night have been given out today. We have tried where possible to accommodate appointment requests but I know that this has not always been possible. If the time is not convenient please contact the school to arrange another mutually convenient time to speak to you child's teacher.

There will also be a parent council meeting on Wednesday 29th at 2.00pm. We are looking for a parent volunteer to help with the creche as we do not have extra staff available this week.

The order for sweatshirts is now closed. The order is being sent away today.

Pr 1/2/3 have been learning about Pirates, they have written Pirate Juice recipes, and they REALLY DID NOT have rum!!! I was slightly alarmed when I was assured by the children they had! Mrs Walker was mortified. The children have also been learning about pirate parrots and ships. In maths the children have also been taking part in addition.

Pr 3/4/5/ drew beautiful shells in chalk and finished their seascape pictures, they all turned out really well. They enjoyed a singing session with John Thomson this week, and they were keeping the beat to the music. John really knows how to get everyone to enjoy singing with his games and catchy songs.

Pr 5/6/7 have been creating their designed houses. These cardboard constructions have been built from an initial plan. The children have worked hard on them and have enjoyed making them.

The cross country team has been picked this week. Well done to those who got through and also well done to the others who have worked very hard at the training but did not make the final team.

We had Robbie in for work experience this week and he saw all aspects of how the school works, I hope that he enjoyed his time with us.

I hope that I see may see many of you next week at the parents evening.

Kindest regards

W S Scollay

Ship Ahoy!

It seems that the school has been gripped by seaside fever. The nursery have been digging for hidden treasure in the nursery beach corner, they found lots of treasure there. The children were also really excited to find a message in a bottle on the shore, they have sent a message through to the P 123 class. It is all very exciting, beware if you go in the nursery though, you may be asked to walk the plank!

P 12 3 have created a fantastic pirate ship with the help of Mr Hayes, it is just brilliant, the children have really enjoyed taking part in this. The children wrote fantastic pirate stories which they are all going to read to the nursery.

P 345 all headed to Rosemarkie beach, they visited Channary Point and were delighted to be able to see some dolphins leaping. We have a very smelly classroom as they took back all sorts of interesting finds. All the children had a ball, and it is simply amazing now what they know.

P 567 did a new display for buildings in Fort Augustus of those old and new. They have been finishing off creating their "junk" buildings for their version of Fort Augustus High Street.

Children in P 345 and P 567 also watch a little of the Pope's visit on Thursday.

Thank you to everyone who donated money for the "Seeds to Africa" at the harvest thanksgiving festival. A total of £70 was made.

A super turn out at the Parent Council, with much debate about Curriculum for Excellence, feedback on the parent survey which was sent out in May, and I also outlined the improvement plan for the school for the next year. I hope that we see many of you at another meeting.

Kindest regards

W S Scollay

The sun has got his hat on!

Hello there,

well, we said, "Cheerio" this afternoon, to ten tired wee primary ones. They had really enjoyed their time at school this week, but we could see that they were needing the weekend this afternoon. We hope they have a lovely weekend to get their breath back!

Mrs Walker's topic is, Pirates, and I was really impressed at assembly this morning at the amount of information the children could tell me about Blackbeard the pirate. I have learned some really interesting facts, did you know that he drank gunpowder in his rum?! He also wore lit fuses on his hair! The children were impressed! (Sorry but we can't start that as a new school uniform addition before you ask!) P 1/2/3 also wrote lovely shipwrecked stories it's amazing what the children come up with. In maths they have been working with numbers and place value. The Pr 1's also started their reading programme with gusto this week. After hearing about all that no wonder the wee souls were tired.

P 3/4/5 went on a trip to the beach on Thursday, well, not exactly the beach... we all headed to the sand pit with our chairs, there we talked about the seaside sounds, the sights, and what sand feels like. We reluctantly headed indoors and the children all wrote brilliant seaside sense poems. P 3/4/5 also went a trip around the village on Tuesday afternoon, but once more the power of technology transported us there as we travelled the village using Google earth. The children loved it, and this is connecting with work which we are doing in maths in regards to plans and maps. I can also let you into an exciting, not yet told to the children secret, that Mrs MacDonald is going to take the children to Channory point, Rosemarkie beach and North Kessock dophin centre on 15th September, letters will be going out next week. That will be fun.

P 5/6/7 have been busy learning more about different structures, and they are full of the trip to the Housing Expo in Inverness, it is great to see how that trip seems to have inspired them. P 7 were taking part in fitness tests the other day, I think they found them quite demanding! P 5 /6/7 children have all been practising for the cross country race which is being held shortly.

In the playground we purchased £100 of new toys for the children to play with, Tesco has at present a half price sale which we have benefited from the lower prices. The children are enjoying the toys.

Please note that the Harvest Thanksgiving day will be on 13th September 9.30 in the church all are welcome to join us for this. The church is having it's harvest weekend on the weekend before so we are making us of the decorated church.

Have a super weekend.

Kindest regards

W S Scollay

Kilchuimen Primary

Fort Augustus, Scotland, United Kingdom

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