Concert Success

I was worried about the concert last week and boy we seem to have had to overcome all sorts of hurdles to get there but yippeee we have done it! What a super job the children did! Well done to them all. I think that Pr 3/4/5 did so well learning all those words, I just don't know how they did that. Pr 1/2/3 also sang so beautifully, I was delighted to see Katie Beardie appear on the stage to help sing the songs. Poor Pr 5/6/7 have had a terrible week with illness and the class have had 8, 9, 10 and 12 pupils off at any one time so the parts from the play have changed hands a few times with children stepping up to the mark to learn someone else's part. In the end "Tam" really played to the audience and performed a convincing performance ably helped by his horse, "Meg". I have had super feedback from the mums, dads and friends of Kilchuimen who attended the concert and we are delighted that you enjoyed the concert so much.

I would like to send a BIG GET WELL SOON to all the children, mums, dads and staff who are not well and hope you all have a speedy recovery. Keep calling in to tell us if your child is going to be off, and we need to know if they are suffering, "Flu" like symptoms as the education authority wish a return of these numbers - daily if we are over 10% and weekly if less than this.

Today preparations for dare I say it... CHRISTMAS began. We went to the Church and had a short Advent service led by Mr Varwell, the children lit the advent candles and Mr Varwell helped us to reflect on what advent means.

Over the next few weeks the infants will be getting ready for the Nativity play.

The trip to see the polar bear is firming up and we hope to go on the 18th December. I will have to charge £5 to cover the cost of the £5 admission but the bus will be funded by the school. Letters will be winging their way home, but I think the children don't know about it just yet. shhhh

Look away now if you are under 16!!
We are having a change to the Christmas parcels which the children will receive this year, Santa has been in touch, the children will only receive small token parcels from him but each class will receive a LARGE shared parcel. (linked to the ICT development) The Parent Council elves will cover the cost of this. (that is of course if all the children are really really good!)

A big thanks to the parent council who arranged the raffle with the super prizes from the village, baking the yummy cookies and cakes, making bags of sweets to sell and serving the teas and coffees during the interval at the concert. We are still rather thinly supported on the ground and would really encourage you all to get involved, their fundraising efforts are really needed in a school of this size so that we can provide extra resources for the children, go on trips linked to school work and make life even better for YOUR children.

We hope for a quiet academic week next week, Dr Fred Freeman will be doing a Scots Language Workshop with Pr 5/6/7 on Wednesday which will build on some of the work done during these past few weeks.

Phew I am off to put my feet up!

Kindest Regards - Keep Well

W Scollay


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Kilchuimen Primary

Fort Augustus, Scotland, United Kingdom

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