Fireworks and Scotland

All the classes have really been throwing themselves into practise for the St Andrews concert. This term we are having a whole school focus on Scottish Culture and Heritage as the Homecoming year reaches it's end. We intend to complete this year with a Scots day on Tuesday the 17th November and will host a St Andrews concert on the 26th November.

Pr 1/2/3 have been singing their songs while Miss Findley accompanies them on the guitar. Pr 3/4/5 have spent some time trying to decide what they would like to learn and perform and have a super song and poem list all organised. I will not let any, " cats out of the bag" though. Pr 5/6/7 have been getting their teeth stuck into Tam o'Shanter and have been getting to grips with the play Tam's Big Nicht Oot. Some of the Scots vocabulary has been a bit of a challenge but they are getting the hang of it. Both Mrs Walker's and Ms Scollay's class have also been thinking about Great Scots, and this has been set as the homework task for the next few weeks.

The Great Scots homework is linking into some art work on the Scots day will form part of a competition entry later in November.

On top of this Pr 1/2/3 classroom is being changed into an Artic area and the children are learning about the Artic Caps, its penguins and polar bears next week.

Pr 3/4/5 made super fireworks pictures which can be seen adorning the hall, while Pr 5/6/7 wrote firework and bonfire night inspired poems to accompany the pictures, Pr 1/2/3 have a very informative display about Germs on their wall this week.

So as you can see once more we are off to a truly flying start, please keep your eye out on the school calendar as I will update it as event will happen.

Please remember that the Parent Council have a meeting on Monday at 7pm in the Primary Staff room and we would really appreciate your attendance at the meeting.

Tuesday is Parents evening and all the pupils got their appointments slips home tonight so have a rummage in the school bags.

I look forward to meeting many of you during the coming week.

Many kind regards

W S Scollay


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Kilchuimen Primary

Fort Augustus, Scotland, United Kingdom

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