Filming fun

Pr 567 have been enjoying filming their news reports this week. They have used the flip video camera to record their work. The children enjoyed taking part in this activity. P 345 have also been having a go at filming, and they were recording TV adverts for new sweets they had designed. This is a great way of making literacy learning realistic and fun. It really engages the children.

Miss Starr attended a Co-operative Learning Academy over 3 days last week and she has been putting into practise some of the techniques which she learned. This is a great way of ensuring that all children take part, and I know that the children think learning in this way is lots of fun. One of the social skills which she has been working on is, "No Put Downs". The rest of the staff are to be trained in some of the techniques during the In Service Days in February.

At assembly today we all were delighted to receive our prizes from BAM Nuttal and Scottish and Southern Electric. Each child received a googly bug, 2 pencils made from recycled CD cases, and a slap on reflective bracelet.

The children also were presented with their certificates for taking part in the sponsored skip for the British Heart Foundation. Pupils who had raised over £50 received a back pack.

Next week Colin Bailey is coming down to Fort Augustus to coach P 567 in rugby skills, this is part of the PE programme. Lessons will be held on Tuesday afternoon in school time and will run until Easter. Lessons will take place on the MUGGA, please wear track suits and sweatshirts. You make wish to bring along a change of clothes with you.

Have a lovely weekend

Kindest regards

W S Scollay


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Kilchuimen Primary

Fort Augustus, Scotland, United Kingdom

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