Celebrating World Book Day

We celebrated world book day by dressing up as our favourite character from a book. Mrs MIddleton was swashbuckling as Peter Pan, Mrs Walker was looking for treasure as a pirate and Miss Starr tried to sit quietly in her web, just as Charlotte would have. Mrs Campbell came as the girl who will wear purple when she grows old, and we all thought we'd entered the set of "Casualty" when we saw Ms Scollay who was remarkably believable as Nurse Nancy!

We were delighted that Jimmy was able to deliver our top soil kindly donated by the Findlays. It looks great! We're all looking forward to getting some planting done now that Spring is here!

Our latest 2 stars and a wish reports will come out this week. We hope that they will be an opportunity to discuss our learning with our parents or guardians. We have had an interesting time this week looking back at what we have done, noting where we have improved and where we still need to work hard. The reports will come home in our new profile folders, so we would ask that once they have been viewed and discussed at home, they are returned promptly to school.

Kind regards

Miss Starr


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Kilchuimen Primary

Fort Augustus, Scotland, United Kingdom

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